Apply for Romanian passport 2024

Romania is a country of southeastern Europe. The national capital is Bucharest. Romania has the second-highest immigration from non-EU countries. This country is popular for its cities, culture and people.  If you plan to immigrate to Romania for business or leisure, there are a few details you need to know before you successfully immigrate to the country. We`ll lead you to complete your information about this country and immigration

Romanian passport

Today, migration is known as one of the concerns of the general population. European countries are considered the destination of many immigrants due to better living conditions and the existence of a platform for development. The Romanian passport is also a potent symbol of Romanian nationality and the rights and privileges this carries, including the right to live and work in Romania The Romanian passport is currently ranked 16th place on the Guide Passport Index. It provides visa-free access to 176 countries. Therefore, we intend to share with you all tips for obtaining Romanian passport in 2024. So that you can easily immigrate to Romania and enjoy the life and education facilities of this country.

Romanian passport how to get

There are different types of Romanian passports, witch include



Biometric passport is valid for 10 years for the people 18 years old and older, and 5 years for people 12 to 18  years old and is valid for three years for people under 12.

The temporary passport is valid for 12 months and is used for essential trips and special cases.

Travel passport for refugees this passport issued with special conditions and restrictions for refugees of this country.

Actually you can apply for a Romanian passport with different methods

apply for Romanian passport by marriage

apply for Romanian passport by education

apply for Romanian passport by business

apply for Romanian passport by birth 

Romanian passport requirements

As we mentioned earlier, the Romanian passport is one of the most valid passports. Therefore, in order to receive a Romanian passport, it is necessary to observe some points. During the years of living in Romania, the applicant must refrain from committing any crime and violating the laws of this country. In addition, one must be careful in paying taxes. Another important point is the timely and accurate learning of the Romanian language. In order to get a Romanian passport, it is necessary to submit some documents. In this section, we will review and collect

First, the application form to receive a Romanian passport Physical health certificate approved by a doctor for work 

Providing a valid certificate of no criminal record

The original and translated copy of the person’s passport + all stamped pages 

Providing the original and translation of academic degrees

Providing the financial opportunity to live in this country, which is related to the individual’s income during three years 

Proficiency in the Romanian language by registering valid certificates on it A statement proving that it will be 8 years for a person or 5 years after marriage in case of marriage 

Romanian passport by buisness

One of the ways to get a Romanian passport is through work. After receiving a work visa, a person can also apply for permanent residency in Romania. Romania is one of the best countries with job opportunities for European and non-European citizens. Non-European citizens need a business license to work in this country. Work residence permit in this country will be different depending on the type of work and the person’s contract. Usually, the basic duration of the contract is one year, with the extension of the license, the license will also be extended. Another way to obtain a work permit is to register a company in Romania. Of course, this work requires capital and expertise and is not recommended for the public. The minimum amount of initial capital to register a company in Romania is 8 thousand euros and a maximum of 50 thousand euros depending on the type of company activity.

Another way to obtain a Romanian passport is to send an application and resume to various companies. You should note that in any case, the Romanian work visa is for one year, and after one year, the person must renew his visa for three more times. Obtaining permanent residence in this country, like other European countries, requires 4 to 5 years of regular activity in this country. Work in Romania, like other parts of the world, has special rules and laws that the applicant is required to follow, and if he does not follow the work rules and causes financial damage, his visa will be invalidated and he will be returned to his country.

Romanian passport by marriage

In Romania, if a person marries a Romanian citizen, he will be able to apply for permanent residence in this country. Marriage with citizens of this country requires the submission of reliable and official documents. In general, the process of obtaining a visa and passport takes five years. Of course, after five years, if the marriage is stable, the applicant can officially apply for a Romanian passport. Of course, it should be noted that compliance with the rules that we mentioned at the beginning of the article is still mandatory. That is, the person should refrain from any act of disobedience to the law and include the Romanian language. Because marriage alone cannot mean that you will get a Romanian passport easily.

Romanian passport by birth

Obtaining a Romanian passport is based on the principle of blood (Jus sanguinis). Jus sanguinis means that if one of the parents of the born child has Romanian citizenship, even if they live abroad, the citizenship and residence of this country will be transferred from the parent to the child. As a result, if a person is born in this country and his parents do not have a specific citizenship, that person will be able to receive Romanian citizenship and passport.

In the second case, if one of the parents of the person is from Romania and has the citizenship of this country, the said child will automatically have the Romanian citizenship. Finally, if the parents of a child born before the legal age obtain a Romanian passport for their child, that person will have Romanian nationality.

Romanian passport by education

Another method for immigrants to immigrate and live in this country and finally get a Romanian passport is educational immigration.
People studying in Romanian universities will be able to get temporary residence in this country. In fact, to receive residency through education, a person must have lived in this country for 10 years.
Meanwhile, educational immigration is not a direct way to get a passport of this country. And still, the applicant must work in this country after completing his studies and then apply for a work passport of this country.
The process of which is fully described in this article.

Romanian passport by asylum

According to its laws, Romania accepts a number of asylum seekers every year. Asylum means that a person is harassed and threatened in his country due to special conditions, including religious, ethnic, political and racial conditions. Therefore, the mentioned person is not able to continue living in his own country, so he immigrates and lives in another country. According to the results and statistics obtained in a year, about three thousand people take steps to seek asylum in Romania, some of which are successful and others are unsuccessful.

The applicant must be recognized as a refugee in this country according to the principles of asylum. The mentioned person must have specifically and only applied for asylum in Romania. In addition, the person must not create any danger and illegal actions for this country and must be completely subject and aligned with the laws of Romania.

Finally, it should be noted that this method is very risky and is never recommended. It is better to take legal and correct steps to immigrate and obtain a Romanian passport and visa. To experience a safe trip and a peaceful life in this country.

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